
The Palestinian genocide

The Palestinian genocide

The Palestinian genocide

Written by Watermelon


On October 7th, the Hamas attack on territories surrounding the Gaza Strip brought the Israeli-Palestinian conflict back to the forefront of the political and media agenda. The narrative presented was simple: evil anti-Semitic Muslim terrorists against the good angelic Israel. This is false, and here’s why:

“Israel has the right to defend itself.”

This phrase, uttered to the point of nausea to justify Israeli army crimes in advance, is the archetypal worst of politics: a bloodthirsty hypocrisy wrapped in a facade of common sense. To this day, Israel has ignored all international treaties that could grant rights to Palestinians, violated 104 UN resolutions, maintained a blockade on Gaza (which is an act of war and a war crime), accelerated its colonization policy in the West Bank, and committed so many war crimes/crimes against humanity that it’s almost impossible to count them. For 76 years, Palestine has been the aggressed and Israel the aggressor.

“It’s normal for the Israeli army to be tough; Hamas is a violent Islamist movement.”

When Palestinians opted for peaceful protests, Israel fired upon them. When they chose diplomacy, Israel only lied and violated its commitments. When they went on strike, repression descended upon them. When moderate movements led the resistance, everything was done to discredit them. If some Palestinians turn to Hamas, it’s primarily because it’s their last resort: one cannot expect a people to die in silence. The Israeli government uses the Hamas attack as an excuse to reverse responsibilities and portray the oppressed as oppressors. If Hamas were truly the problem, the West Bank would be a haven of peace for Palestinians: Hamas has no power there.

“Unconditional support”

Few phrases are as spine-chilling as this one. This is the infamous carte blanche that has paved the way for countless massacres throughout history. With Hamas cast outside of humanity and the civilian population lumped together with them, the USA/EU have given the green light to all the carnage. In the years to come they will deny it, play on words, manipulate language, and claim that they didn’t know. It is our duty to remember who supported the massacres and who opposed it.

Antizionism and antisemitism

If you, like me, are European, you know how the memory of the Nazi horrors rightly haunts us. Antisemitism, however, did not disappear in 1944 and has been criminalized in many countries. The farright and Zionists independently pushed toward the same goal: blurring the line between antisemitism and antizionism. The former to gain respectability and the latter to demonize the Palestinian camp. The liberal center and the dominant media have gradually let themselves be influenced to the point where they are now incapable of distinguishing antizionism and antisemitism. Defending the Palestinians is seen today as antisemitism.

“All the great events and characters in the history of the world happen, as it were, twice... the first time as a great tragedy, the second time as a sordid farce...”

Let’s just say it directly: Netanyahu is a Jewish Fascist. As absurd as it may sound, his political ancestors come, in a dark twist of history, from the 1930s. I fully understand that associating a Jewish nationalist with them may outrage some, but I’m not saying it as an insult or an exaggeration; it’s an observation. In “Jewish nationalist,” the most important part is “nationalist,” and it’s hard to ignore the commonalities between these ethnocentric doctrines: fascism can take on any appearance, but it remains the same underneath.

*A ‘rotskudd’ is an opinion piece written by an editorial staff member of Tuntreet and expresses the writer’s personal opinion