


ÅS FYLLHARMONI; The musical experience of the century.

- The initiators of Ås Fyllharmoni

Translator: Rebekka Berg


UKA will be having a jubilee next autumn, where 100 years of parties, baluba, charity and student life at Ås will be celebrated. Of course, this cannot go unnoticed, and it is important that the bass drum, the timpani, and everything else that can be turned on and make powerful music is played. That is why musical souls with big dreams have come together and founded Ås Fyllharmoni, whose primary purpose is to show off the gigantic event that is UKA i Ås 2024.

Ås has a very rich musical history and much of it is linked to UKA and the UKE-revues. We have our own national anthem that was created during the first UKA, “Jeg og’n Thorvald og Johannes”, which must also be celebrated next autumn. This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to musical culture and the student population here at Ås. Student songs, drinking songs and other mood makers have been steady companions for us students, who have always had many good reasons to escape to a world of song and music that can dull the sometimes glaring and heavy student life.


We believe that the escape from reality and the joy of music are essential parts of the student experience. It binds together generations of students in a completely unique way, which has gone through both boom and bust over the years. The song in the Bodega keeps us going in everyday life. It colours the otherwise monotonous and grey study experience and gives you the feeling of being part of a tradition-rich and meaningful microcommunity.

The singing and music which in everyday life are relegated to choir rooms and bodegas must be allowed to fill the whole of society. If the music is allowed to shine this month, we can open the doors for many new students to become part of this spectacular togetherness. It is important to be able to showcase the traditional songs and the joy of music during UKA’s 100th anniversary. In 2024, we will blow the dust off the Stentor, put the notes in the right place, tap into the spirit of volunteerism and raise the student songs that are so close to us to new heights never reached before.

We toast!